About OCAT
Since 2013, agencies represented on OCAT have worked tirelessly to build programs and partnerships to better support the prevention of human trafficking, protection for those that have experienced trafficking, and prosecution of the offenders. Currently funded under a 2022 OVC/DOJ Enhanced Collaborative Task Force Model cooperative agreement, the Family Safety Center serves as the convening agency of OCAT with the Tulsa Police Department serving as the primary law enforcement agency. OCAT also receives private donations and funding. To date, OCAT includes representation from 30+ agencies across Oklahoma.
Our Objectives
Comprehensive Service
Develop and deliver comprehensive services to individuals who have experienced human trafficking by focusing on victim identification, expanded community resources, and inclusive populations.
Demand Reduction
Reduce demand by supporting creative accountability measures to investigate, refer, and prosecute all forms of human trafficking at the local, state, and federal levels.
Data Collection
Implement a collaborative process to collect and share data among OCAT members and the Office of the Oklahoma Attorney General in response to the passing of HB 4210.
Coalition & Community Sustainability
Use best practices to create a sustainable and replicable model through comprehensive coalition development, community collaboration, and increased funding.
Key Needs Identified
Safe housing and wraparound services
Safe housing and wraparound services for those who have experienced any form of human trafficking.
Culturally responsive programming/outreach
Culturally responsive programming/outreach through expanded community resources.
Collaborative data collection
Statewide collaborative data collection.
Community awareness of the prevalence of human trafficking in Oklahoma
Basic community awareness of the prevalence of human trafficking in Oklahoma.
Professional development for businesses and organizations
Professional development for businesses and organizations that may interact with those who have experienced trafficking.
How We Help
Human trafficking in all its forms is an inherent violation of a person’s human rights. We believe that human trafficking impacts all genders, ages, and nationalities. OCAT seeks to connect those who have experienced human trafficking to resources and community support through:
We acknowledge and incorporate the strengths of individuals with lived experience to inform and improve OCAT goals, action steps, programming and services.
Multidisciplinary Collaboration
We recognize that no one agency can address all the complexities of human trafficking and as such OCAT members maintain professional, collaborative, and multidisciplinary working relationships.
Evidence-based and evidence-informed strategies and interventions with a proven track record should be used, when possible, in the prevention and intervention of human trafficking.
Trauma-Informed and Person-Centered
A trauma-informed and person-centered approach is crucial in supporting clients’ rights, dignity, autonomy, and self-determination. OCAT Meetings, services, and programming consider multifaceted traumas of individuals who have experienced trafficking in order to reduce re-traumatization.
Culturally and Linguistically Accessible
Professional development for businesses and organizations that may interact with those who have experienced trafficking.
Care Coordination
OCAT member agencies seek to connect clients with individualized resources to not only advocate on their behalf but to empower them as they move toward a life of hope, healing and freedom.
Latest News & Resources
Working With People Experiencing Trafficking
October 25, 2024
The Oklahoma Coalition Against Human Trafficking partnered with the Oklahoma Office of the Attorney General’s Partners for Change Conference in Norman, OK. The coalition hosted a human trafficking track. During the conference OCAT chair, Sara Gadd was awarded the 2023 Distinguished Service Award/Governor’s Commendation.
Partners for Change Conference
September 2024
After providing staff support to OCAT for the past several years on a part-time basis, Karen Smith will now become the full-time OCAT Director. This position was recently funded under the OVC/DOJ ECM Task Force Model cooperative agreement. We look forward to all of the progress we will make under her leadership.
Hands-On Community Event
October 26, 2024
Join OCAT and survivor leader Theresa Flores to make a difference in the lives of those experiencing human trafficking.